Walt Eisenman: A Fixture in the Enginehouse
When you add it all up, Walt is more than a volunteer: he is a fixture. Thank you, Walt, for all you do and for being who you are.
When you add it all up, Walt is more than a volunteer: he is a fixture. Thank you, Walt, for all you do and for being who you are.
In fall 1974 I was living in small town Conneaut, Ohio, as a newlywed. Doyle McCormack and I had married on August 28, 1971. I was a third-year college student majoring in elementary education when a phone call came to our house requesting that Doyle take on rebuilding the SP 4449 for the bicentennial American …
The Oregon Pacific Railroad Saturday train rides are back! Ride the train from the Oregon Rail Heritage Center and back via the Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge along the Willamette River on Saturdays! Beginning on Saturday August 8th train rides provided by Oregon Pacific Railroad will hit the rails again. The train will depart 4 times each Saturday …
The Oregon Rail Heritage Center expects to be open Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 1:00pm to 5:00pm. But….we are a volunteer run organization, and there may be times we do not have enough volunteers to safely open the Center. If we cannot open on a given day, we will post this on the ORHF Facebook …