The 4449 Pepsi Connection

by Arlen L. Sheldrake Most of us have heard the story of the funding for the American Freedom Train Foundation and how PepsiCo was the first million dollar donor toward the project. That story is true, but there is more to the story. On September 23 Wes Camp posted information about an obituary published September …

New Dates for Santa’s Enginehouse

Concerned about a dramatic spike in coronavirus cases, Oregon’s governor has called for a two-week “freeze” statewide – and a four-week freeze in Portland’s Multnomah County, where Oregon Rail Heritage Center is located. Among new protective measures, in place Nov. 16-Dec. 18, museums will be closed. Consequently, we are changing the dates of Santa’s Enginehouse, …

ORHC Updates!

We are open! Oregon Rail Heritage Center is open this weekend, November 7-8, from 1:00 to 5:00 pm. Saturday Train Rides This Saturday is the last day this season for the Saturday Train Rides. Click here to purchase tickets. Santa’s Enginehouse – Begins November 26th The Center will be closed November 9-25 while we work …

Bells of Peace by Arlen L. Sheldrake

On Wednesday November 11th at 11 a.m. the Oregon Rail Heritage Center will participate in the national Bells of Peace event by ringing the portable locomotive bell 21 times. This event is sponsored by the U.S. World War One Centennial Commission in remembrance of those who served and sacrificed. 11-11-11 is the date and time …

Visit Santa’s Enginehouse

Ho Ho Happy Holidays…..Santa’s Coming to the Enginehouse! This holiday season visit the Oregon Rail Heritage Center—transformed inside and out into Santa’s Enginehouse, full of holiday magic for children of all ages. Outside, vintage rail cars and a classic diesel locomotive, the Nickel Plate 190, twinkle with colorful holiday lights, while the Center itself glows …