In Memoriam – Laurel Coryell Lyon

In Memoriam Laurel Coryell Lyon May 1, 1950 – November 24, 2018 Full of warmth, invention, compassion, and wit, Laurel Lyon was a unique phenomenon. Laurel not only thought outside the box, she lived outside the box. World traveler, field trip maven, green thumb, imaginative cook, athlete, environmentalist, former hippie commune resident, she had a …

Support the Installation of the Historic Brooklyn Turntable

The Oregon Rail Heritage Foundation (ORHF) has acquired the last remaining historic element of the Brooklyn Yard, a 102’ railroad turntable. The turntable, built in 1924 by the American Bridge Company, was originally installed in 1925. Before Union Pacific demolished the Brooklyn Roundhouse in 2012, the company gave this turntable to the Oregon Rail Heritage …

Holiday Express — Another Great Year!

Thanks to the thousands of you that rode the Oregon Rail Heritage Foundation’s Holiday Express this year. The sold out trains filled with all ages and, or course, Santa Claus spread Christmas cheer from one end of the ride to the other. We hope all your holidays are a great success and wish you all …

ORHF Turns Five; Looks Ahead

Text and Photos by Ken Byers On September 20th at the Doyle McCormack Enginehouse, the Oregon Rail Heritage Foundation celebrated its fifth birthday with food and praise. In attendance were Amanda Fritz and Nick Fish, present and past city commissioners for Parks and Recreation respectively, as well as many of the key volunteers that make …

SP&S 700 Wins New Grant

The SP&S 700 won a significant grant from the Oregon Cultural Trust to help near conclusion of the famous steam locomotive’s boiler rebuild. The 700 is maintained by volunteers from the Pacific Railroad Preservation association. To read more on this significant achievement see Congratulations to all concerned. Keep up with 700 updates by reading …