Igniting OR&N 197 Firebox Repairs

Restoration work continues for the 119-year-old OR&N 197. This treasured steam locomotive arrived in Portland back in 1905 and retired after 50 years of service. FMW Solutions, in collaboration with talented volunteers, recently worked to repair the locomotive’s firebox which had corroded. The firebox is a pivotal part of a steam locomotive. They’re responsible for …

Update on the SP&S 700

On August 27, the SP&S 700 was pulled outside and a refurbished Westinghouse Cross Compound Air Compressor was installed. See the before and after below!

An Early Start on the Polson #2 Required Boiler Overhaul

A leak inside one of the many steel tubes (called boiler tubes) in Polson #2’s boiler necessitated the removal of the bad tube. It was decided to do a full 15-year boiler inspection due to the amount of work involved. Several volunteers from ORHF, led by crews from owner Albany & Eastern Railroad, began the …

Mount Emily Shay #1 Turns 100 Years Old!

By Martin E. Hansen It was in this month of August 100 years ago that Lima Shay construction number #3233 first rolled out of the Lima Locomotive Works plant in Lima, Ohio. The next hundred years would see this Shay not only go through several owners, but would also see her travel across the country …