Experience Living Railroad History at the Oregon Rail Heritage Center

The Oregon Rail Heritage Center is home to Portland’s historic steam locomotives, preserved and maintained by our dedicated volunteers. Our working facility is where history comes to life, as skilled crews rebuild and care for these powerful machines.


OR&N #197


SP&S #700


SP #4449

Portland’s Historic Steam Locomotives

Three vintage steam locomotives—Southern Pacific 4449, Spokane, Portland & Seattle 700, and Oregon Railroad & Navigation 197—were donated to the City of Portland in 1958 by the Southern Pacific Railroad. For decades, they stood on outdoor display at Oaks Amusement Park, exposed to the elements. Beginning in 1974, efforts to restore and operate them began, leading to their relocation to the Brooklyn Roundhouse in Southeast Portland.

Since then, thousands of volunteer hours have gone into their preservation. Today, two of these locomotives are operational, while restoration efforts continue on the third.


Built in 1905 by Baldwin Locomotive Works as a 4-6-2 “Pacific” type locomotive for the E. H. Harriman rail empire that later merged into the Union Pacific, she’s 79′ long and, with 200 psi boiler pressure and 76″ diameter drivers, is capable of sustained speeds of 80 mph.

This treasure of the early 20th Century era of steam locomotives arrived in Portland just in time for the 1905 Lewis & Clark Centennial Exposition, just 17 months after the Wright Brothers first flew at 9.8 mph, when Teddy Roosevelt was President and 3 years before Henry Ford rolled out his first Model T. She then went on to serve Portland commerce for over 50 years before retirement in the 1950s. Residing as only a display piece in Oaks Park like her sisters since 1958, in 1996 she was moved to the Brooklyn Roundhouse where she is undergoing restoration today by the all-volunteer Friends of the OR&N 197.

  • Built 1905
  • Manufacturer Baldwin Locomotive Works
  • Length 79'
  • Weight 200 tons
  • Drive Wheel 77"
  • Tractive Effort 30,000 lbs.
  • Boiler Pressure 200 psi
  • Fuel Oil
  • Donated to PDX 1958
  • Stewards Friends of the OR&N 197


Built in 1938 as a 4-8-4 Northern Pacific Class A design, she is close to 111′ long, 10′ wide and almost 17′ tall. With locomotive and tender weighing almost 440 tons and a boiler pressure of 260 psi, her 77″ diameter drivers can apply 5,000 horsepower to the rails and exceed 80 mph. It’s oil fired, and features design specified roller bearings throughout which was quite advanced for the era.

This beautiful example of the latter years of steam locomotive development pulled the famous Empire Builder until that train was dieselized in 1947. She continued to faithfully provide passenger service from Portland up the Columbia River Gorge to Spokane until 1956, and in 1958 the 700 was ultimately placed on permanent display at Oaks Park in SE Portland. Returned to operation in 1990, she is lovingly operated and maintained by the all-volunteer Pacific Railroad Preservation Association.

  • Built 1938
  • Manufacturer Baldwin Locomotive Works
  • Length 111'
  • Weight 440 tons
  • Drive Wheel 77"
  • Horsepower 5,000
  • Boiler Pressure 260 psi
  • Fuel Oil
  • Donated to PDX 1958
  • Stewards Pacific Railroad Preservation Association


Built in 1941 as a 4-8-4 GS-4 locomotive, she is 110′ long, 10′ wide and 16′ tall. With locomotive and tender weighing 433 tons and a boiler pressure of 300 psi, her eight 80″ diameter drivers and unique firebox truck booster can apply 5,500 horsepower to the rails and exceed 100 mph. The only remaining operable “streamlined” steam locomotive of the Art Deco era, this grand Lady of the High Iron pulled Southern Pacific “Daylight” coaches from Los Angeles to San Francisco over the scenic Coast Route and then on to Portland until 1955.

Retired to Oaks Park in 1958 for display only, many thought 4449 would never run again. In 1974 she was completely restored specifically to pull the 1976 Bicentennial Freedom Train throughout the United States to the delight of over 30 million people. SP 4449 has also operated numerous excursions since. She is arguably one of the most beautiful locomotives ever built and kept that way by the all-volunteer Friends of SP 4449.

  • Built 1941
  • Manufacturer Lima Locomotive Works
  • Length 120'
  • Weight 433 tons
  • Drive Wheel 80"
  • Horsepower 6,500
  • Boiler Pressure 300 psi
  • Fuel Oil
  • Donated to PDX 1958
  • Stewards Friends of the SP 4449


Your generous donations help keep the Oregon Rail Heritage Center free to everyone. We thank you sincerely and so do all the kids of all ages that love trains.